Yoga for Peace & Harmony
Death is inevitable. And the ways are different. Somebody killed somebody take self death. In Mahabharata Pitamaha Bishma have the power to choose his death by himself. Signifies, every person have his own intention and chosen path to leave long or short. You may think what is that all about??? A person die by disease or accident is not in his hand. But if you think carefully there are many indications and to keep safe from diseases or accidents if somebody wants to. But as we know nothing is immortal and Change is the name of life ---“ Just as a person discards old garments and wears new ones, the soul passes from one body to another in the cycle of rebirth . The soul, being immortal, remains unaffected by the physical manifestations of life, such as birth, growth, decay, and death”—Translated वासांसि जीर्णानि यथा विहाय नवानि गृह्णाति नरोऽपराणि | तथा शरीराणि विहाय जीर्णा न्यन्यानि संयाति नवानि देही || 22 || vāsānsi jīr ṇ ā ni yath ā vih ā ya ...