
Yoga for Peace & Harmony

  Death is inevitable. And the ways are different. Somebody killed somebody take self death. In Mahabharata Pitamaha Bishma have the power to choose his death by himself. Signifies, every person have his own intention and chosen path to leave long or short.   You may think what is that all about??? A person die by disease or accident is not in his hand. But if you think carefully there are many indications and to keep safe from diseases or accidents if somebody wants to. But as we know nothing is immortal and Change is the name of life ---“ Just as a person discards old garments and wears new ones,  the soul passes from one body to another in the  cycle of rebirth . The soul, being immortal, remains unaffected by the physical manifestations of life, such as birth, growth, decay, and death”—Translated वासांसि जीर्णानि यथा विहाय नवानि गृह्णाति नरोऽपराणि | तथा शरीराणि विहाय जीर्णा न्यन्यानि संयाति नवानि देही || 22 || vāsānsi jīr ṇ ā ni yath ā vih ā ya nav ā ni g ṛ ih ṇ

Water---- the other name of life

The origin of the earth theory states that a hot ball of gases was cooled down to form water, and then only the first life on earth was created. On other planets, we still cannot trace any life, so there is no existence of water. In the Puranas, Varuna is worshipped as the god of water. Although the water has no colour, But in different places, it takes different colours to match the local environment. The blue water of the sea represents youth. The ocean water is greenish-blue. It not only changes and shows different colours in places; it also changes as per time. Daytime, the pond water becomes green, and at night, it becomes blackish. Yes, the readers may tell that this is Chlamydomonus, the algae's phototactic movement. It is very true that life grows only with water. There is a story in Bengali 'Obak Jaalpaan'- Jaal is water in bengali. That describes different types of water to a thrusty person. The pathetic condition of the person who demands water is a different

Think Node : The Game Changers

Think Node : The Game Changers Leylah Annie Fernandez with tears in eyes consoled by Taylor Townsend  after they lost the Roland Garros Women Doubles at Paris 11th June 2023 She hugs her and makes her stop crying-- may be many people miss the scene, but while watching the scene on screen suddenly it keep a mark in mind. The Game Over! All of them know, the pair lost the Gold award, and become runners-up after so many struggles and practices throughout life. They may blame each other instead. But Team Spirit is main in the Sports-- the Win and Lose is Secondary. That particular moment / few minutes-- no other family member/ Coach/supporter is there and maybe they are all disheartened to watch the Lose but all of them can not able to console her. In that crucial period, the immediate team partner Taylor takes care. Perhaps we may tell it is simple Sports man spirit. This may be a normal and everyday scenario. But can we fol

Living in the Womb

All of us was safe in the mothers womb. Mother carry us care us rare us in her womb for 9months. Some may tell no 7 month, or 10 month but main thing she carry us in her womb. During that period we are struggling inside and feel that that is our comfort zone. and unaware about the outside world. The world we live in at present with diversity and with many uncertainty. Today we are blessed every day as we can open our eyes in the morning we can breathe or we are alive. We are blessed and thankful to mother nature that in her womb we are alive and taken careoff. All of us have a fear to move out of our comfort zone. From mothers womb we are not willing to come out and while come out we sometimes do not visit the womb bearing mother. In the same context after we are in womb of this lovely nature mother. We are knowingly or unknowingly destruct her beauty. We cut trees removing many bird/insect shelters. We forget that those are our brothers and sisters in a broad sense. However as a mothe