Water---- the other name of life
The origin of the earth theory states that a hot ball of gases was cooled down to form water, and then only the first life on earth was created.
On other planets, we still cannot trace any life, so there is no existence of water.
In the Puranas, Varuna is worshipped as the god of water.
Although the water has no colour, But in different places, it takes different colours to match the local environment.
The blue water of the sea represents youth. The ocean water is greenish-blue. It not only changes and shows different colours in places; it also changes as per time. Daytime, the pond water becomes green, and at night, it becomes blackish. Yes, the readers may tell that this is Chlamydomonus, the algae's phototactic movement. It is very true that life grows only with water.
There is a story in Bengali 'Obak Jaalpaan'- Jaal is water in bengali. That describes different types of water to a thrusty person. The pathetic condition of the person who demands water is a different story.
Also the great film 'Rango' the lizard becomes a saviour by bringing water from the capture of enemies. It represents how a ruler can rule by keeping this simple natural element in capture. Still now different countries make dams and supply water at a high price to other dependent countries. As we know, even 2/3 of the earth is covered with water, but the scarcity of drinking water is very high. Again, we are going off track.
Water originates from a cloud? Sea? ice of mountain ?....a great dilemma.
If we consider physics, water always flows from top to down..a property. So we consider the water from air condensed, and make moisture and rain and hilly areas, it makes ice. The ice melts to make the river with a great energy. The river water flows towards the plain. On the way it generates tremendous force and breaks the rocks and stones to soil. On its way down it gives all animals and plants life. In our history, we know that human civilization grows alongside of rivers or water bodies.
Jim Corbet in his books always wait beside the water to get the Tiger as all animals are bound to have or drink water.
Let us talk again on energy of water not about the hunting of tigers.
On the way of water flow we keep turbines to generate power. Water electricity. Again the energy for life.
The water flows with all metals and non metals to the sea. And forms the big ocean. Even today we fail to know the inside of the ocean. The Bermuda Triangle is where life vanices with the force of water.
The same water when we drink at source it is free but as it goes in the hands of businesses it multiplies the price and economics starts.
However, when the water becomes stagnant in a shallow place, we humans want to block the place and make land for use. A new life begins?
The water in shallow place become dirty; there is no growth, even the BOD raises and animals die. And people throw rubbish and garbage. Water the source of life is stagnant. death ?
No water gets its way out ...and sublimises in nature to support life.
The change of forms of water to vapour needs a tremendous energy and will power to break the hydrogen bonds in liquid form. But as the spirit is immortal—the change of state to appearing in other place in other form leads the life in existence.
Our human mind when stagnant like water rather than become depressed we should change ourselves to source new mind setup and change our life style to survive.
Mother nature, with all its power, supports life, not death.
—Support Mental Health- Support Life
Thanks for reading.....
Sandeep Poddar
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